Sparkling African Collar Necklace
For hundreds of years, women in central African nations have worn beautiful collar necklaces made of metal. Cloth versions are still worn today. Find out more about these necklaces, their significance to the women who wear them, and how the jewelry is made. Locate the region on a map.
To make a replica of these stunning necklaces, use Crayola Scissors to cut out the inner circle of a paper plate so the outside ribbed edge remains.
Cover your painting area with newspaper. With Crayola Glitter It! Tempera Mixing Medium, cover the entire back of the ring. Air-dry the glitter.
Mix small amounts of Crayola Tempera Paint with more Glitter It! on another paper plate. Add interesting designs to your necklace. Make them as authentic as possible. Bold geometric shapes usually look good together and fit the size and shape of this necklace. Air-dry the paint.
Cut the strip open to place the necklace around your neck. Proudly wear your unique jewelry!
Students design their own version of a traditional African artifact.
Students represent their ideas in interesting, authentic designs on their necklace.
Invent other replicas of ethnic and historic jewelry with paper plates. Hold a fashion show in which you explain the origins of your accessories. Take pictures and make a catalog complete with world maps!
Create your necklaces with a theme representing a culture or time period, for example. Can other students identify your theme?
Assessment: Students will be successful if they have correctly cut out the necklace and it can be worn. Verify that the design of the necklace is unique.